
Married Mommy of One Seeking Friendship W/Other Mommies of Small Children

I need more mommy friends. Especially mommies with babies around the same age as Presley. If we were stateside, Presley would have three cousins to play with. Granted, Kaden is 15 months older than Presley but still. Emma is only 2 days older and Ashlyn is a month and a half older! Bah. So lame. I want Presley to be around other children but I'm so awful at making friends. Every single time I make friends, Jamie usually butts heads with the hubby or boyfriend and of course the girl is going to side with their "man". I just want a good friend with a small child. Am I asking too much?

I love the friends that I have but all the ones that have small children live in the states! Bah. I know So many people with babies close to Presley's age.

I think I might call Mary tomorrow (mommy to a 3 yr old) and join Stroller Stride with her. She told me that there were so many women with babies close to Presley's age. I need some friendship. Jamie can't always be on stay behind. He'll have to go out to sea eventually. (BTW: He hasn't gone out to sea since Feb 2007!!!)

Cute picture of the day.

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