
My mother-in-law.

We recently found out that my mother-in-law is having some health problems & has been keeping it to herself. We're not entirely sure exactly what is going on with her. We just know that she can't stand for very long without her legs swelling really bad.

In my family, we never keep health problems from each other. Even the smallest problem (such as a fever) is passed along to everyone. My family believes in the power of pray. Since everything we do comes down to prayer, I just wanted to ask a small favor to the random bloggers out there.

Please, keep my mother-in-law in your thoughts & prayers. I know that we may not get along perfectly but she's still my mother-in-law. Without her I wouldn't have the amazing little family that I do have.

♥He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]. Isaiah 40: 29

1 could possibly care:

Samia said...

I hope it's nothing serious. :/ She'll be in my thoughts.