

Thanks to Coty, I have been changing my blog background all night. Btw, the blog layouts are coming from The Cutest Blog on the Block. I love Thanksgiving. I kind of miss rushing around from family to family. It was like a game. My family's from the north, so we always have a Thanksgiving dinner. Jamie's family is southern and they always have a Thanksgiving lunch. It makes things easy but difficult at the same time.

Ugh. For some reason my mother in law doesn't care for me. Jamie's aunt told him that she thinks it's because she thinks that I think that I am better than her. Did ya get all that? Ugh. I don't know. Jamie has never been close to his mother and she's always acted as if I'm keeping him from her. He doesn't want anything to do with her. If it were up to him, he would never talk to her again. I am always the one telling him to call his mom to wish her happy birthday or just talk to her. He doesn't care. He even told me that when his mom passes away, he won't ever talk to his brother or sister again. I mean, I don't see what the difference will be. They don't talk to him anyway.

Yeah, I have issues with his mother. Mainly because she pretends that all the mistakes she's made in life, never existed. She acts as if she has always been the greatest mother to Jamie. I hate to hear her pretend that she didn't drop Jamie off in Kentucky when he was a teenager. It breaks my heart. I love Jamie more than anything in the world and to hear that he's had such a hard life, it really hurts me. We both feel like his mother, brother and sister feel like he should be doing crappy because he was the one that wasn't raised by his mother. When that's exactly why he is doing so good! Ugh. I don't know. She's always been weird to me. She cussed me out the night before Jamie left for Guam! She claimed that I was using Yoda-lee as an excuse to leave Jamie... for good. That I was just going to stay in Georgia and divorce him. She kept telling me that I DIDN'T KNOW HOW MUCH I MEANT TO JAMIE! Um. Do you? She never talks to him! I mean, my family was having a biig going away "chicken fry" for us the day before & she made some lame excuse for why she couldn't come. We made POUNDS AND POUNDS of chicken and NONE of Jamie's family showed up! They didn't even make a big deal out of the fact that he was leaving. How would that make you feel? Crappy.

My family did that chicken fry thing for him and then a week later when I left, we all went out to eat! My family was so upset that I was moving across the world. They wanted to spend every second they could with me. His family acted like we were moving to another town in Georgia! He says that it didn't bother him but I know it did. Poor thing. Anyway, back to the most recent thing his mom has done... she went to Kentucky this past weekend because a member of their family passed away. Well, they stopped by the restaurant (that his granddad owns) and his mother brought pictures of Jamie's brother & sister's babies & Presley. She told Jamie's dad that because of the way that I am to her, she doubts that she will ever see Presley! WTC?! That never even crossed my mind! How freaking mean does she think I am? I would never keep his family was seeing his daughter! I want to show off my beautiful daughter to everyone!

Ya know what, Jamie's the one who said he didn't want to bring Presley around them. His brother and sister act weird to us because we make more money than them. (The first thing Jamie's nephew said when they came to "visit" us in Kingsland was, their house is better than ours!) Jamie's worried that eventually his younger niece and nephew (one is only a month and a half older than Presley & one is five months younger) will be mean to Presley. He doesn't want them to repeat things they hear their parents saying & upset Presley. I wish they all knew how he felt. He doesn't ever tell them because they get all weird and start cring like Jamie's making everything up. The ONE time that he actually said something to his mom, his brother called his dad to well, tattle on Jamie. Like Jamie said, they don't realize how much he talks to his family in Kentucky. (Who have NEVER been hateful to me, not once.) Jamie's dad asked him about it the other night & Jamie explained the whole story to him. I feel sorry for his dad. He has made such an amazing change in his life. He (after many many years) finally quit doing drugs and has been clean for a year! I'm so proud of him. Jamie's mom keeps telling Jon & Tina that he's a druggie. Tina broke his heart (before her son was born) when she told him that if he stopped doing drugs that she and the baby would come and visit. He was so confused and upset because he's been clean for so long. Ugh.

I hate complaining and Jamie keeps telling me to stop thinking about it so much. I can't help it. She's my mother in law and I figured that I could at least have a decent relationship with. I guess not. I told Jamie that I think she's just pissy because of how much time we spent with his aunt Beverly. (When Jamie & I first got engaged we stayed with his aunt Beverly whenever he could come visit from Kingsland. His mom was in Hawaii visiting her husband. Plus, she lived in a tiny mobile home and literally didn't have room for the people that stayed there.)

Anyway, enough complaining. I need to get some sleep. It's currently 2:41am. I dyed my hair a about an hour ago and I'm waiting for my hair to dry. Oh! We bought Presley some super cute boots the other night. Yeah, we live on a island and she doesn't really need boots BUT they are really thin & she can wear them with her super cute skirts and stuff like that! Here she is modeling her boots while wearing mommy's sunglasses.
And this is a picture of the white headband (as seen in Presley's fashion star picture above) but with the little flower clip. We are supposed to getting her pictures taken sometime soon and I bought this headband from Etsy.com. Oh well. I need to sleep.

0 could possibly care: