
20 weeks and 1 day!

I still cannot believe that I am 20 weeks. These past couple months have gone by so quickly. I mean, Monday we will know the sex of our little baby! (If he/she has no shame.) A lot happened in these past months. We moved from the housing we were living in. Everything was so crappy and disgusting. It is supposed to be the oldest housing on the island. We know live on the main Navy base, in brand spanking new housing. I like this housing much much better. Although, I would prefer to be living in our house in Kingsland.I hate that we are having to raise our first child in a house that isn't ours in a country that kind of sucks. Haha. I'll be okay.

About a month ago Jamie's mom was talking about Jon (Jamie's younger brother). His current girlfriend (that he dated about a year ago) has a 3 month old daughter that she swears is another guys but they all refused to believe it. They wanted this child to be Jon's. I, of course, was upset. They never showed that much attention to me or Jamie over our pregnancy. It makes me feel bad. After the paternity test came back they realized the dream of having that girl's daughter as their grandchild was over. She wasn't Jon's. I thought, hooray!! Maybe they will start being excited for me and Jamie! Nope. They still haven't acted as if they cared. I mean, sheesh. I was Clomid for a couple months last year, got pregnant and had miscarriage. I didn't ovulated before this child was conceived. Jamie and I weren't even trying for this child. God decided that it was time for us to have a child. I ovulated on my own and without knowing, we conceived this child. Pregnancy is a miracle in itself but this always made me feel wonderful inside. *sigh* I'll never be my in-law's favorite. I guess trash comes before quality in his family. It's weird because Jamie isn't anything like his family. Baah.

OH! After the fiasco with that one girl's baby, Jamie was talking to his step-dad (who actually loves me but has been a little weird since his motorcycle accident.) and his step-dad informs us that Jon's ex girlfriend, Amber (they broke up in July) is claiming to be pregnant! They say, claiming because they don't act like they like her. Her and Jon were engaged and Jon broke up with her through the internet instead of telling her everything was over. Of course the girl got angry. Who wouldn't?? Anyway, he said that she was supposedly about 6 months pregnant and she just found out. Now, that does sound funny but Amber has Endometriosis. The doctor's told her a long long time ago that she would probably never have kids. So, when AF didn't arrive it wasn't that big of a deal to her. After all, AF skipped out on her months at a time. Now, she was actually with Jon when she would've conceived her child. I rejoiced in hearing this! After all, it was ANOTHER blessing!! Especially if the child is healthy and okay! I mean, she went 5 1/2 months without knowing she was pregnant. She continued doing things most pregnant women stop altogether. I had Jamie's aunt Beverly (the one who loves me for real) give Amber my phone number. After all, everyone needs someone to talk to. The father of her baby doesn't want anything to do with her until after the child is born and they get a paternity test. Yep, another paternity test. You would think these people wouldn't line up their sex partners one right after another. This is some serious Jerry Springer drama. Anyway, I talked to Amber and she only went to the health clinic to confirm her pregnancy. She has no insurance. So, she had to find another doctor in town that would see her. It took awhile but she found one. After she saw him, her pregnancy was confirmed. She's due March 29 (exactly a month before me.), she's 6 months pregnant and she's having a little girl. HA! I wanted to call Jamie's mother and just say, HA!

Oh well. I'm still happy about mine and Amber's pregnancy. Jamie's still happy and my family is still happy. I cannot wait until this child is here. I couldn't be happier.

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