

I want to take kickboxing classes but I highly doubt I can find that on this island. So I have decided to buy a kickboxing dvd & then use Jamie as my partner. Haha. I want to kick him. Haha.

Plus, I want these...

Baby me up.

Last night I couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking of future baby names. Sad I know. I have the perfect little boys name but I cannot find a middle name that sounds right. It doesn't matter. I'm not pregnant and I don't *plan* on having another baby until we are stateside again & Presley's at least 4 years old. Bleh. I wanted to name Presley, Emma before I found out that I was having a little girl. Did I mention that my niece's name is Emma? I don't think I even told Sabin or Dani that I loved that name. Hmm. Oh well.

Apparently, I have mad mommy skills. Jamie & I stayed up really late Saturday night (I mean like almost 6am late.) calling family and talking in the bedroom. I was so exhausted when we finally went to sleep. Sometime during the morning (I'm guessing 7 or 8am) Presley started to cry. (Keep in mind that I'm going by what I was told) Jamie sat up in the bed & asked if he wanted me to get her. I got out of bed & went to Presley's crib without saying a word, picked her up & laid her in the bed with us. I do not remember any of this. Plus, I don't like putting her in the bed with us. I don't want her to get used to it. It kind of bothers me that I can be so alert in my sleep. I don't know. I'm sure something bad could have happened by me picking her up while I was so freaking tired. Oh well. She's fine. I will just let Jamie get her next time.

I've been wanting some kind of jewelry with something Presley related on it. I found two things that I want badly. I want this one for Presley's 1st birthday. It is from a company called Imprint On My Heart. This is actually the correct birthstone too. My little girl's BS is emerald. :) It's so precious & unique at the same time. I love it.

I want this one right now. Haha. They are called baby coins! A rough sketch of your baby's picture & your baby's birth information! SOO CUTE! I love it. I want to get Jamie a key ring made for either his birthday (November 20) or Christmas.
This one is fromJULIAN & CO.

I love jewelry. Haha.


I love this song & this man.


I love him.

He's so gorgeous. I keep wanting to call him my nephew. Alas, he's my little cousin, Kaden. I wish I could snuggle him & play with his beautiful hair. He looks JUST like this older sister, Adarah.

I have such a beautiful family.



Presley kicked her baby squash out of my hands earlier. It flew all over the rug. Bah. She did this to prove me wrong. I had just told Jamie that if I feed her in her Bumbo seat that she cannot make a mess. (She doesn't like to sit in her secondhand highchair. I think I should just go ahead and buy her the one that I wanted to in the first place.) My beautiful mutli-colored pink rug is stained the awful burnt orange color of baby squash. Oh well. It's hard to stay upset with such a beautiful baby.

I've been really emotional lately. Jamie even asked if I was pregnant again. Haha. I found that amusing seeing as though it was CD 14. Loser. Apparently, ovulation makes me emotional. I start talking about weird stuff, random stuff out of nowhere. Jamie thinks that I should see a therapist. I kind of agree with him. He just wants me to be able to talk to someone that could potentially help me.

I just want a close friend to talk to. I know that I have awesome friends who are there for me in a heartbeat but I need someone to be there for me... in person. I need someone to hang out with or someone to come over & chill with me & Presley while Jamie's at work. I have such high standards for friends that I have a hard time finding someone that I want to bring into my life & now I have be concerned with the people I bring around for Presley. I don't want people to be a bad influence on her. Right now, I just want to have a "couple" friend. I want to be friends with a couple that enjoys staying at home, playing Scrabble, Uno, Phase 10 or any other stupid game that we buy. I am a homebody. I also want my dream friend to have a child close to Presley's age. Someone she can have a play date with. She needs to be exposed to more people. Oh well. I need to go to sleep. It's 1am & I'm pretty sure Presley's going to wake up and want to held for a seconds. She's very needy.

Married Mommy of One Seeking Friendship W/Other Mommies of Small Children

I need more mommy friends. Especially mommies with babies around the same age as Presley. If we were stateside, Presley would have three cousins to play with. Granted, Kaden is 15 months older than Presley but still. Emma is only 2 days older and Ashlyn is a month and a half older! Bah. So lame. I want Presley to be around other children but I'm so awful at making friends. Every single time I make friends, Jamie usually butts heads with the hubby or boyfriend and of course the girl is going to side with their "man". I just want a good friend with a small child. Am I asking too much?

I love the friends that I have but all the ones that have small children live in the states! Bah. I know So many people with babies close to Presley's age.

I think I might call Mary tomorrow (mommy to a 3 yr old) and join Stroller Stride with her. She told me that there were so many women with babies close to Presley's age. I need some friendship. Jamie can't always be on stay behind. He'll have to go out to sea eventually. (BTW: He hasn't gone out to sea since Feb 2007!!!)

Cute picture of the day.



I saw pictures of the new housing on base. Bah. I want to own a house again. I miss our beautiful home. Jamie wants to buy another house whenever we move back to the states but the market sucks so we probably won't.

Here is what our current "house" looks like. I hate it. It doesn't look that bad in the picture but it's really old and they keep putting papers in our mailbox talking about lead poisoning.

This is the new housing. Omg, it looks like a real house! If we would have known about it, we would have put in something to move there but Jamie's still considering leaving Guam early. Plus, they wouldn't move our stuff for us. I hate moving. So we are stuck in the ghetto poisoned house until we leave the island.

Oh and this is where I want to live. Great Lakes, Illinois! 4 bedroom and 2 bath!! Gorgeous.

I'm finished being a brat.


I'm over the bs that my auntie said to me. I guess it just hurts me that certain family members don't think Jamie is good enough. He's my husband and I love him more than anything.

Anyway, Jamie keeps complaining about work. It's really weird because Jamie loved it out here... up until a couple months ago. He even asked to be transferred to another shop but his chief said no. He's been talking about putting in a 1306? He said that he could try and leave Guam early. WTH? How come he didn't tell me this before? Oh yeah I'm witchy and would have demanded that he call his detailer immediately and see what he has available. How about anything other than Guam. Haha. I hate that I complain so much about this tiny island in the middle of nowhere. It just bothers me that the people we knew out here LIED about this freaking island! They claimed that Guam is a WONDERFUL place to live & that it is JUST like Hawaii. Yeah... I don't think so.

Every little thing drives me crazy. I hate having tile through the entire "house" & I hate that Presley doesn't get to have the ultimate baby room like I dreamed of. Oh and I really hate that December 3rd will be mine & Jamie's five year anniversary & we cannot do anything except go out to eat & pay a butt load of money for food that sucks. I wanted to go back to Savannah for our fifth anniversary. I wanted to stay in another beautiful bed & breakfast and watch the Christmas parade again. Man... I wish Jamie would put in that stupid 1306 and that we could leave this Godforsaken island. I miss my family. I miss my dog. I miss freaking Wal Mart & Publix. I miss fresh chicken & produce that doesn't look like it has been mauled by a cat. I hate driving anywhere on the island and seeing pretend massage parlors. I hate driving through Tumon (the only part of the island they take care of) and seeing nothing but strip clubs & Japanese tourists. I miss shopping. I miss being able to go to the store and actually buy clothes that fit. I hate shopping at the NEX and the GPO.

Oh well. I wouldn't have a beautiful daughter right now if we didn't come to Guam. I wouldn't be happy in every other aspect of my life. I just want to be able to share my happiness, my love and my daughter with those close to me. I mean, who wouldn't want to pinch those beautiful cheeks & fuzz up her hair.


Never good enough.

I need to vent.

My great aunt emailed me the other day asking for newer pictures of Presley. I didn't mind sending her pictures because I always loved my great aunt. She also asked about the election and how everyone in Guam feels. I explained to her that the locals cannot vote so it doesn't really matter. She went on and on telling me why I should be for McCain... especially since I'm military. That alone made me feel bad. I'm a 23 year old wife and mother. My husband is military and plans on retiring from the Navy. So, I do care about the future of our military which means I do know pretty much everything about the candidates. I brushed it off and emailed her pictures of Emma & Presley. I got her email today and there was maybe 3 or 4 sentences about how pretty Emma & Presley are. Then she went on to tell me how I need to go to school and get a job. Because being a full time mom is important but that I also need to think about Presley's future. (I don't think she understands how good we are doing and that Presley will always be taken care of) She went on to list jobs that she thinks I would be good at. I even told her that when Presley's in school that I MIGHT consider being a dental assistant because they don't work all the time. That's what I WANT to do... it isn't something that I am settling for. My daughter comes before everything. Plus, Jamie makes enough money to support us without help from me. Granted, extra cash would always be nice but I want to be there for my daughter. I don't want to stick her in childcare where god knows what can happen. We aren't ever to live close enough to family where they could possibly watch her why I work. Work isn't that important to me. It makes me upset. They can't ever be happy for us. My great uncle (her brother) did the same thing when I sent him a birth announcement and a letter. He sent me back a TYPED letter saying that we (yes, WE) needed to go to school and do something with our lives. Um, Jamie's military and again, he plans on RETIRING from the military! That is doing something with his life. Not to mention that he's going to college while he's in the Navy so that he can get a better job after we are out of the Navy.

Jamie always feels like they think he isn't good enough for me but that's not it. We aren't good enough... period. Nothing that my family does will ever be good enough for them. I talked to my aunt Rachel about it. She said that they have always been that way. She told me that when she as engaged (to her husband of like 15 or 16 years) that my great aunt told her that she didn't have to marry for love. That she needed to marry someone else that has more money, love isn't important because eventually you will learn to love that person. Oh my gosh. I could not live that way! Plus, Jamie isn't a bum! He is SUCH a hard worker. No matter what happens he will always take care of us. I am not worried. I just wish they understood how they make all of us feel. They all claim they don't judge anyone especially family but that isn't true.

I love my life and I wouldn't change anything about it. (Well, maybe to be stateside again. I'm looking forward to moving to Illinois, Washington state or Connecticut after Guam. Yes, we DO want to have severe winter after living in hot hot Guam for three years... Haha.Plus, I want to live closer to my brothers.)

Baby Love.

My mom sent me Georgia onesies while I was pregnant. Well, they said they were 9 month old and up. So I kept them in the drawer and payed no attention to them until yesterday. I pulled them out to see what they look like... small. They aren't even stretchy. I had some trouble getting Presley into them buuut she looks SO cute!!! Haha.

Her eyelashes are so dark... sometimes it looks like she's wearing eyeliner. I have such a beautiful baby girl.

Oh! She got a new toy today! She's been so bored with everything else she has. Haha. Spoiled little girl... its okay though. This smile is worth every penny.


Oh yeah!!

Jamie got his ESWS! It's like the Dolphins for Submariners but it's for Surface Navy. Out of all the submariners on the Frank Cable, Jamie (& one other guy we know) are the only ones who are qualified Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist! I'm so proud of him!! Hooray!! The ones above the Navy patch are his Dolphins and the ones below are the ESWS.

AND he's starting college! WOO!! He's going to be taking classes either at night or on the weekends here on base. He can do it online or in a classroom. I'm so happy for him.

For some reason

Presley has decided to not sleep through the night. She's been doing all week. She'll go to bed around 10 or 11 and then wake up around 2:30-3am. It sucks. She usually sleeps til at least 6. I'm beginning to think that it has a lot to do with her being in the same room as us. After we had that freaking brown snake in the house, we've been a little paranoid. They are deadly to small children and old people. They aren't aggressive but I don't want to take any chances. We couldn't sleep that night without her being in the same bed as us. The next night, we moved her crib into our room. This is just another reason why I cannot stand Guam. I am just so upset because we volunteered to move to Guam. We CHOSE this duty station. We moved out here to help out the Navy and they can't even provide us safe, adequate housing. You would think the Navy would take care of the NAVY but out here, they pay more attention to the locals. They are more concerned with NOT pissing off the locals than taking care of the people they moved out here. I hate complaining but I am so ready to move home. Hopefully Jamie will get stationed in Illinois and we can be fairly close to family.

Anyway, it's 8am & I am so tired but I need to stay awake so that I can go to sleep earlier at night. We go to bed SO late and when she does wake up, I am so freaking exhausted. I love being a mommy but I wish my little one would sleep through out the night. I still cannot believe that I am a mommy. Presley is FOUR MONTHS OLD! Man. Time is flying by and I'm already getting sad and thinking about another one. Yes, my daughter is only 4 months old and I want another baby. I miss being pregnant and feeling that beautiful little life growth and move. Oh it's so amazing. My pregnancy was perfect. I didn't have morning sickness or anything. Everything was amazing and I only complained when I wanted more attention (or when my mom flew out a week before my dd and was only staying a week. She made me walk... Guam is not flat like Georgia. Plus, it was like 110 degrees at night...) Oh well. We'll have another kid when we are ready... and stateside.

I love that picture. She loves to sit and listen to Jamie play guitar. Sometimes she'll mumble really low and it sounds like she's trying to sing. It's so cute. Every morning we sing together and she loves it. I love my little sweetie.


It's been awhile.

Yeah I haven't been in the blogging mood. I don't ever have the time to sit here and blog. I've been trying to clean everything spotless due to the ant problem. No matter how clean my house is... ants come in to look around. You can see them wondering around the house looking for stuff to eat. So stupid. It's a big problem here in Guam. Bah. Everything is a big problem in Guam. I should be thankful though. Some people don't have a home to complain about. It could be so much worse. I can't help being a spoiled little American.

Anyway, Presley can roll over now! She's growing so fast! I have to keep an eye on her at all times now! Before I could leave her in her play pen thingy and not worry about anything happening to her. Now, she'll roll over in there and get frustrated because she can't roll back over. Crazy little girl. I love her sooo much. We started feeding her stage one baby food. After all, she was a biig baby and she's still a big baby. Plus, they say that your baby is ready for baby food when they double their birth weight... um, she was 9 freaking pounds at birth... I think 15 pounds is close enough. She watches us eats and makes faces like she's eating. SO we starting her on food. She tried baby bananas first and then we just bought some carrots. She likes the carrots more.

So cute.