
5 years!!

December 3rd was mine & Jamie's 5 year anniversary! I was so excited & happy because I couldn't believe that five whole years has already gone by! The day started off okay, then I remembered that Jamie had a stupid physical therapy appointment at 2. I would not have gotten so upset if Jamie wasn't in shift work and working the night shift. He goes in around 6. Ugh. He didn't get home until 3:30 and Presley had just laid down for a much needed nap. We were supposed to go to our favorite restaurant (Carmen's) but I knew she was going to be asleep for a good hour/hour and a half. So I decided to just order some barbecue from the restaurant on base that is only a few minutes from our house. Jamie called to place an order and the darn woman could barely speak English. It took him about 20 minutes to place his order and by that time I just said forget it. It takes about 45 minutes and it was already 5pm.

I was in such a bad mood after that. I was hungry. I hadn't had anything to eat all day because I thought that we would be going to Carmen's. The night ended with Jamie running to NEX for diapers and picked up some flowers while we was there. Stargazer lilies. Yes, they made me happy. They always do. We decided to stick to the traditional 5th anniversary gifts. This year was the wood anniversary. My handyman built me this wonderful storage thingy for the kitchen/dinning room. The colors have special meanings. The peachy color is the color that I pained my living room/dinning room and hallways back in Kingsland. It's a few shades darker than the actual color but I wanted the storage thingy to be bold. The dark teal is the EXACT color of my master bathroom in Kingsland. It was so beautiful and when the sunlight would come through in the morning, it was heavenly. I miss that house so much. *sigh*

Aside from the uber sexy lingerie that I wore for him, I bought a really awesome bamboo picture frame and put my favorite picture of me & Presley inside. This picture. She was only one month old and she looked at the computer for the picture. It was awesome. :) He hasn't seen the picture frame yet. I wasn't able to print it out & frame it up without him knowing. We stayed up really late Tuesday night and ate breakfast around 3am. It was nice.

Thanksgiving was last week. Right? It was nice but exhausting. I cooked an entire Thanksgiving dinner. I was exhausted. I had Jamie invite some people that over that didn't have anywhere else to go. We had four people not counting the three of us. It was nice and quiet. Presley sat in her highchair and ate a Gerber "meal" that was turkey and sweet potatoes. She was so cute. Jamie gave her some of our mashed potatoes because they weren't salted or buttered yet. She enjoyed them. Haha. I missed being surrounded by family and friends. I wasn't close to the people that attended our dinner. There was one other girl that night, she didn't come into the kitchen or talk to me at all. I was very friendly and even took her some deviled eggs in the midst of my chaotic meal preparation. She didn't say anything to me but enjoyed the male company. She was a girlfriend of one of the guys that night (who talked to me and made the gravy since i was obviously exhausted) and she actually works on the boat. I'm not use to that either. Only men work on the subs. I don't know. I guess she's more use to being around men. After all, there are way more guys on the boat.

I invited a few of my friends over but they were all trying their own Thanksgiving stuff this year. I just figured that since we are all away from our families that we should spend the holidays together. Oh well.

Meh. It's now 5am. I still haven't gone to sleep. Jamie gets home in a couple hours. Presley just woke up. I fed her and now she's playing on the floor with her toys. I can't sleep at all. Jamie's in shift work and I can't sleep without him in the bed. I know it's weird. Even after all these years and all of these deployments, I still need him in the bed with me at night.

Oh well. I'm going to go play with Presley.



Thanks to Coty, I have been changing my blog background all night. Btw, the blog layouts are coming from The Cutest Blog on the Block. I love Thanksgiving. I kind of miss rushing around from family to family. It was like a game. My family's from the north, so we always have a Thanksgiving dinner. Jamie's family is southern and they always have a Thanksgiving lunch. It makes things easy but difficult at the same time.

Ugh. For some reason my mother in law doesn't care for me. Jamie's aunt told him that she thinks it's because she thinks that I think that I am better than her. Did ya get all that? Ugh. I don't know. Jamie has never been close to his mother and she's always acted as if I'm keeping him from her. He doesn't want anything to do with her. If it were up to him, he would never talk to her again. I am always the one telling him to call his mom to wish her happy birthday or just talk to her. He doesn't care. He even told me that when his mom passes away, he won't ever talk to his brother or sister again. I mean, I don't see what the difference will be. They don't talk to him anyway.

Yeah, I have issues with his mother. Mainly because she pretends that all the mistakes she's made in life, never existed. She acts as if she has always been the greatest mother to Jamie. I hate to hear her pretend that she didn't drop Jamie off in Kentucky when he was a teenager. It breaks my heart. I love Jamie more than anything in the world and to hear that he's had such a hard life, it really hurts me. We both feel like his mother, brother and sister feel like he should be doing crappy because he was the one that wasn't raised by his mother. When that's exactly why he is doing so good! Ugh. I don't know. She's always been weird to me. She cussed me out the night before Jamie left for Guam! She claimed that I was using Yoda-lee as an excuse to leave Jamie... for good. That I was just going to stay in Georgia and divorce him. She kept telling me that I DIDN'T KNOW HOW MUCH I MEANT TO JAMIE! Um. Do you? She never talks to him! I mean, my family was having a biig going away "chicken fry" for us the day before & she made some lame excuse for why she couldn't come. We made POUNDS AND POUNDS of chicken and NONE of Jamie's family showed up! They didn't even make a big deal out of the fact that he was leaving. How would that make you feel? Crappy.

My family did that chicken fry thing for him and then a week later when I left, we all went out to eat! My family was so upset that I was moving across the world. They wanted to spend every second they could with me. His family acted like we were moving to another town in Georgia! He says that it didn't bother him but I know it did. Poor thing. Anyway, back to the most recent thing his mom has done... she went to Kentucky this past weekend because a member of their family passed away. Well, they stopped by the restaurant (that his granddad owns) and his mother brought pictures of Jamie's brother & sister's babies & Presley. She told Jamie's dad that because of the way that I am to her, she doubts that she will ever see Presley! WTC?! That never even crossed my mind! How freaking mean does she think I am? I would never keep his family was seeing his daughter! I want to show off my beautiful daughter to everyone!

Ya know what, Jamie's the one who said he didn't want to bring Presley around them. His brother and sister act weird to us because we make more money than them. (The first thing Jamie's nephew said when they came to "visit" us in Kingsland was, their house is better than ours!) Jamie's worried that eventually his younger niece and nephew (one is only a month and a half older than Presley & one is five months younger) will be mean to Presley. He doesn't want them to repeat things they hear their parents saying & upset Presley. I wish they all knew how he felt. He doesn't ever tell them because they get all weird and start cring like Jamie's making everything up. The ONE time that he actually said something to his mom, his brother called his dad to well, tattle on Jamie. Like Jamie said, they don't realize how much he talks to his family in Kentucky. (Who have NEVER been hateful to me, not once.) Jamie's dad asked him about it the other night & Jamie explained the whole story to him. I feel sorry for his dad. He has made such an amazing change in his life. He (after many many years) finally quit doing drugs and has been clean for a year! I'm so proud of him. Jamie's mom keeps telling Jon & Tina that he's a druggie. Tina broke his heart (before her son was born) when she told him that if he stopped doing drugs that she and the baby would come and visit. He was so confused and upset because he's been clean for so long. Ugh.

I hate complaining and Jamie keeps telling me to stop thinking about it so much. I can't help it. She's my mother in law and I figured that I could at least have a decent relationship with. I guess not. I told Jamie that I think she's just pissy because of how much time we spent with his aunt Beverly. (When Jamie & I first got engaged we stayed with his aunt Beverly whenever he could come visit from Kingsland. His mom was in Hawaii visiting her husband. Plus, she lived in a tiny mobile home and literally didn't have room for the people that stayed there.)

Anyway, enough complaining. I need to get some sleep. It's currently 2:41am. I dyed my hair a about an hour ago and I'm waiting for my hair to dry. Oh! We bought Presley some super cute boots the other night. Yeah, we live on a island and she doesn't really need boots BUT they are really thin & she can wear them with her super cute skirts and stuff like that! Here she is modeling her boots while wearing mommy's sunglasses.
And this is a picture of the white headband (as seen in Presley's fashion star picture above) but with the little flower clip. We are supposed to getting her pictures taken sometime soon and I bought this headband from Etsy.com. Oh well. I need to sleep.



Halloween is over! Hazzah! I wish that Presley was older and that she could've walked around the neighborhood. We sat on our front lawn & passed out candy. All the kids were SO cute! I didn't take any pictures of her outside. It was so hot outside & my battery was dead. I don't know why i don't keep it charged. Haha. Here are some pictures of Presley before the Trick or Treaters starting coming through the neighborhood. She loved all of the attention from everyone & loved seeing all of the kids dressed up. She loves people. Today was stressful. We went to get some groceries (stupid because it was also pay day) and I needed to run in the NEX but a freaking Aircraft carrier pulled in and there are literally busloads of people shopping at our tiny NEX.

Oh well.

I haven't been feeling too "hot" lately. I can't exercise because Jamie's at work until 4 and the gym on base is packed with single sailors at that time. I wish he could come home for like an hour or something and let me work out. I've been trying to think of ways to ahem, get my hubbles in the mood. Our love life is a little dead lately. Presley sleeps in the bed with us now (which I love but at the same time, I want to "snuggle" my hubby.) so we have to be a little creative with the loving. By the time I crawl into bed Jamie has been asleep for a few hours & barely remembers me kissing him goodnight. Being a full time mom is some hard work & I only get to do some seriously cleaning when Presley's asleep. When Jamie and I do find time to "love" each other, the loving is amazing but it's like the only time all week. Unless we get lucky & she goes to sleep without one of us in bed with her. I constantly ask him if Iam the reason why we aren't as active & he swears that it's not me. I believe him but still feel super insecure. I need someone who has a child around the same age as Presley who understands what I am going through. It's crazy. The people I know either don't have kids or their kids are old enough to play alone in the "baby jail" area at the gym. People even think that my (almost) 6 month old daughter will just sit quietly in her stroller while I work out for an hour. Um. No. She's NOT a bad baby but she LOVES to be around people and LOVES to be played with. She's a very social baby so sitting alone in a stroller isn't going to work. Agh. I think I'm going to start stroller stride Monday. I've been saying that for awhile now but I honestly think that Monday, I will do it. PLUS, Jamie's off work Monday & I might be able to get him to walk with me. As long as someone does it with me the first time, I will be able to do it by myself afterwards. I just need to feel comfortable first.

In the meantime, maybe I should buy this.


I suck at blogging.

I haven't felt like typing lately. I've been annoyed here lately. I thought I had some wonderful friends but it turns out they all suck. I feel like surface wives think they are better than sub wives. No offense. It drives me insane. I'm also having trouble with people copying me lately. UGH! Seriously? Are we in 3rd grade? Every single time I mention something that I want, they go out and get it. I have something and someone compliments, they go out and get something disturbingly similar. It's gone crazy. We'll see how bad it gets around Christmas. This year I'm going completely non-traditional with my decoration colors. I want my tree to be entirely pink. I also plan on buying some of those super cute kitchen utensil ornaments. I've mentioned all of this to the aforementioned copycat. They didn't seem to be interested when I mentioned my plans but we'll see. I also wanted a white tree this year but I don't feel like paying 300 bucks for a crappy white tree. I might try to get one after they go one sale. Hehe. I love sales.


I feel bad for disliking this person so much. It's not so much them but their spouse. OMG, I cannot stand their spouse! Seriously, I would like to punch them in their face. Everything that I know or have been told pisses me off. Not to mention, they don't even act married. They act like boyfriend & girlfriend. Which is slightly irritating to those of us who are married & act like a married couple... not a girlfriend staying over her boyfriends house. I mean, bragging about watching porn & requesting to be sent on work related job outside of Guam just so they can whore it up. No thank you.

I have very high standards for my friends. My friends aren't those kind of people who are completely fake. My friends are honest and I love them for it. If you and your spouse have a super open relationship, let the rest of us know so we don't freak when we hear something crazy. Bah.


Haha. Anyway, I need to clean the kitchen before heading to bed.

Here are some super cute pictures of my little love.

I had to give her Pattie because she kept trying to eat the pumpkin goo. This is mine & Jamie's pumpkin. Yes, we are still "trendy" enough to love the Nightmare Before Christmas. Tomorrow (actually Halloween) we are going to carve Presley's pumpkin, which is Count Von Count. SO CUTE!

See. Trying to eat pumpkin seeds!

I couldn't resist putting pumpkin on her head! Haha.


The circus is in town!!

Honestly, I thought Presley wouldn't get to go to a circus until we were stateside again!

The Moscow International Circus is here in Guam! Hooray!! A real circus! Not the lame ones that come to Albany, Ga!! I'm so excited!! There aren't a whole lot of family friendly things to do on the island, so this is a treat. I just hope that Presley will sit still long enough for us to enjoy it. I know she's only 5 almost 6 months old but I don't think we'll ever be able to see this Russian circus again.

Here are a few pictures. If we actually go, I will post more.



I feel like it's been forever since I posted an actual blog. I've been so blah towards the internet unless I'm doing some shopping. Which reminds me... Presley's Halloween costume got here a couple weeks ago!! It's soo adorable but they sent the wrong size. Alas, I will have to make do with what I have. If I sent it back, it wouldn't be here in time for Halloween. Just another reason why I dislike living here. The costume isn't that big... the front hangs down but that's easily fixed. The shoes are waaay too big but I'm going to fix those as well. We aren't taking her trick or treating. We are going to sit in our "yard" and pass out candy. Since we live on base, I'm pretty sure we'll have TONS of trick or treaters... we better we have a 5 gallon bucket full of candy! Haha. Aside from getting ready for Hallowe'en, my birthday was the 18th! Woo! I'm freaking 24 years old! I feel like I've been 24 for about 2 years now. Haha. It was a good birthday. Jamie bought me the new iPod nano that I've been drooling over... in gorgeous (product) red. I love it. It's so amazing. I also was able to do a Torrid shopping spree & spend almost a hundred bucks on more Scentsy. I finally have all the warmers that I want... until the next catalog comes out. Haha. He also bought me a super yummy ice cream cake from Cold Stone Creamery & gorgeous flowers. [See my super cute Scentsy warmer in the corner... haha] Aah, he knows me so well. Sunflowers & stargazers are my favorite. They smell sooo good. Only one of two friends came over. It was okay. Mary & her little family stopped by and had some cake. I always love to watch Declan interact with Presley. She's soo sweet & I know that when Mary has another baby, she's going to best the best big sister that anyone could ever ask for.

Another woman I know actually had to have surgery. She's only going to be left with one ovary. :( It sucks big time BUT she got pregnant on her honeymoon (last October) and she has a simply GORGEOUS little boy who is now 3 months old. Anyway, I need to check on Presley and get her breakfast ready. She's going to want some tasty oatmeal when she wakes up.

BTW: I hope the guy weedeating in front gets stung by the bumblebees trying to invade a piece of wood outside. They aren't supposed to mess with our lawn when we have stuff on/in it. They better not destroy our Halloween decorations... I will be piiiisssed.

One more super cute picture. We bought this HK toy for my niece, Emma. Presley is showing her some love.

And these are some birthday kisses for mama.


I love AbFab


So I've been looking into the areas around our next duty station. Yeah, I don't know exactly where we are going to move but I do know where we COULD move to. Haha. I am not making the same mistake that we made when we came to Guam.

Right now, I'm loving Great Lakes, Illinois. For one, it's freaking beautiful there & for two, their housing is beyond gorgeous. Since the housing market has gone to poo, we are going to stick with housing for awhile. Plus, Great Lakes has been demolishing & adding new housing for at least 2 years now. I know that I have talked about Great Lakes before but I've also been talking to a friend of mine who actually lived in Great Lakes. Aah. The perks of being a military wife. You can always find someone who has been where you want to go.

She loved Great Lakes. Yes, the work hours do suck being the hubbles will be handling boot camp kids. I mean, he'll be home at some point in time. It's not like he's going to be on sea duty after we leave Guam. He still has shore duty! (Guam is neutral duty. HOORAY!) My friend talked about all the wonderfully amazing shopping around Great Lakes. Oh I just sat there dreaming of how wonderful it would be to live in a place where I can buy anything I want without internet shopping & then being disappointed because they don't ship to Guam. Haha. She also mentioned the amount of kid-friendly stuff they have to do there. It sounds so amazing.

I don't know where I want to go for real. I want to be somewhere close enough to family without being riiight there in the same town. I know that we aren't moving until June 2010 (or 3 months earlier if we are lucky) but Jamie has to contact his detailer 9 months before we transfer. I want to be 110% positive this next time. Oh well.


My baby is 5 months old! OMG! I cannot believe it!! Here are a few new pictures of my little love.



Jamie's up for sailor of the quarter again! I hope he makes it! He got it right before we left Ga & now he's up for it here in Guam & we've only been here for a year! I'm so proud of my husband.



I want to take kickboxing classes but I highly doubt I can find that on this island. So I have decided to buy a kickboxing dvd & then use Jamie as my partner. Haha. I want to kick him. Haha.

Plus, I want these...

Baby me up.

Last night I couldn't fall asleep because I was thinking of future baby names. Sad I know. I have the perfect little boys name but I cannot find a middle name that sounds right. It doesn't matter. I'm not pregnant and I don't *plan* on having another baby until we are stateside again & Presley's at least 4 years old. Bleh. I wanted to name Presley, Emma before I found out that I was having a little girl. Did I mention that my niece's name is Emma? I don't think I even told Sabin or Dani that I loved that name. Hmm. Oh well.

Apparently, I have mad mommy skills. Jamie & I stayed up really late Saturday night (I mean like almost 6am late.) calling family and talking in the bedroom. I was so exhausted when we finally went to sleep. Sometime during the morning (I'm guessing 7 or 8am) Presley started to cry. (Keep in mind that I'm going by what I was told) Jamie sat up in the bed & asked if he wanted me to get her. I got out of bed & went to Presley's crib without saying a word, picked her up & laid her in the bed with us. I do not remember any of this. Plus, I don't like putting her in the bed with us. I don't want her to get used to it. It kind of bothers me that I can be so alert in my sleep. I don't know. I'm sure something bad could have happened by me picking her up while I was so freaking tired. Oh well. She's fine. I will just let Jamie get her next time.

I've been wanting some kind of jewelry with something Presley related on it. I found two things that I want badly. I want this one for Presley's 1st birthday. It is from a company called Imprint On My Heart. This is actually the correct birthstone too. My little girl's BS is emerald. :) It's so precious & unique at the same time. I love it.

I want this one right now. Haha. They are called baby coins! A rough sketch of your baby's picture & your baby's birth information! SOO CUTE! I love it. I want to get Jamie a key ring made for either his birthday (November 20) or Christmas.
This one is fromJULIAN & CO.

I love jewelry. Haha.


I love this song & this man.


I love him.

He's so gorgeous. I keep wanting to call him my nephew. Alas, he's my little cousin, Kaden. I wish I could snuggle him & play with his beautiful hair. He looks JUST like this older sister, Adarah.

I have such a beautiful family.



Presley kicked her baby squash out of my hands earlier. It flew all over the rug. Bah. She did this to prove me wrong. I had just told Jamie that if I feed her in her Bumbo seat that she cannot make a mess. (She doesn't like to sit in her secondhand highchair. I think I should just go ahead and buy her the one that I wanted to in the first place.) My beautiful mutli-colored pink rug is stained the awful burnt orange color of baby squash. Oh well. It's hard to stay upset with such a beautiful baby.

I've been really emotional lately. Jamie even asked if I was pregnant again. Haha. I found that amusing seeing as though it was CD 14. Loser. Apparently, ovulation makes me emotional. I start talking about weird stuff, random stuff out of nowhere. Jamie thinks that I should see a therapist. I kind of agree with him. He just wants me to be able to talk to someone that could potentially help me.

I just want a close friend to talk to. I know that I have awesome friends who are there for me in a heartbeat but I need someone to be there for me... in person. I need someone to hang out with or someone to come over & chill with me & Presley while Jamie's at work. I have such high standards for friends that I have a hard time finding someone that I want to bring into my life & now I have be concerned with the people I bring around for Presley. I don't want people to be a bad influence on her. Right now, I just want to have a "couple" friend. I want to be friends with a couple that enjoys staying at home, playing Scrabble, Uno, Phase 10 or any other stupid game that we buy. I am a homebody. I also want my dream friend to have a child close to Presley's age. Someone she can have a play date with. She needs to be exposed to more people. Oh well. I need to go to sleep. It's 1am & I'm pretty sure Presley's going to wake up and want to held for a seconds. She's very needy.

Married Mommy of One Seeking Friendship W/Other Mommies of Small Children

I need more mommy friends. Especially mommies with babies around the same age as Presley. If we were stateside, Presley would have three cousins to play with. Granted, Kaden is 15 months older than Presley but still. Emma is only 2 days older and Ashlyn is a month and a half older! Bah. So lame. I want Presley to be around other children but I'm so awful at making friends. Every single time I make friends, Jamie usually butts heads with the hubby or boyfriend and of course the girl is going to side with their "man". I just want a good friend with a small child. Am I asking too much?

I love the friends that I have but all the ones that have small children live in the states! Bah. I know So many people with babies close to Presley's age.

I think I might call Mary tomorrow (mommy to a 3 yr old) and join Stroller Stride with her. She told me that there were so many women with babies close to Presley's age. I need some friendship. Jamie can't always be on stay behind. He'll have to go out to sea eventually. (BTW: He hasn't gone out to sea since Feb 2007!!!)

Cute picture of the day.



I saw pictures of the new housing on base. Bah. I want to own a house again. I miss our beautiful home. Jamie wants to buy another house whenever we move back to the states but the market sucks so we probably won't.

Here is what our current "house" looks like. I hate it. It doesn't look that bad in the picture but it's really old and they keep putting papers in our mailbox talking about lead poisoning.

This is the new housing. Omg, it looks like a real house! If we would have known about it, we would have put in something to move there but Jamie's still considering leaving Guam early. Plus, they wouldn't move our stuff for us. I hate moving. So we are stuck in the ghetto poisoned house until we leave the island.

Oh and this is where I want to live. Great Lakes, Illinois! 4 bedroom and 2 bath!! Gorgeous.

I'm finished being a brat.


I'm over the bs that my auntie said to me. I guess it just hurts me that certain family members don't think Jamie is good enough. He's my husband and I love him more than anything.

Anyway, Jamie keeps complaining about work. It's really weird because Jamie loved it out here... up until a couple months ago. He even asked to be transferred to another shop but his chief said no. He's been talking about putting in a 1306? He said that he could try and leave Guam early. WTH? How come he didn't tell me this before? Oh yeah I'm witchy and would have demanded that he call his detailer immediately and see what he has available. How about anything other than Guam. Haha. I hate that I complain so much about this tiny island in the middle of nowhere. It just bothers me that the people we knew out here LIED about this freaking island! They claimed that Guam is a WONDERFUL place to live & that it is JUST like Hawaii. Yeah... I don't think so.

Every little thing drives me crazy. I hate having tile through the entire "house" & I hate that Presley doesn't get to have the ultimate baby room like I dreamed of. Oh and I really hate that December 3rd will be mine & Jamie's five year anniversary & we cannot do anything except go out to eat & pay a butt load of money for food that sucks. I wanted to go back to Savannah for our fifth anniversary. I wanted to stay in another beautiful bed & breakfast and watch the Christmas parade again. Man... I wish Jamie would put in that stupid 1306 and that we could leave this Godforsaken island. I miss my family. I miss my dog. I miss freaking Wal Mart & Publix. I miss fresh chicken & produce that doesn't look like it has been mauled by a cat. I hate driving anywhere on the island and seeing pretend massage parlors. I hate driving through Tumon (the only part of the island they take care of) and seeing nothing but strip clubs & Japanese tourists. I miss shopping. I miss being able to go to the store and actually buy clothes that fit. I hate shopping at the NEX and the GPO.

Oh well. I wouldn't have a beautiful daughter right now if we didn't come to Guam. I wouldn't be happy in every other aspect of my life. I just want to be able to share my happiness, my love and my daughter with those close to me. I mean, who wouldn't want to pinch those beautiful cheeks & fuzz up her hair.


Never good enough.

I need to vent.

My great aunt emailed me the other day asking for newer pictures of Presley. I didn't mind sending her pictures because I always loved my great aunt. She also asked about the election and how everyone in Guam feels. I explained to her that the locals cannot vote so it doesn't really matter. She went on and on telling me why I should be for McCain... especially since I'm military. That alone made me feel bad. I'm a 23 year old wife and mother. My husband is military and plans on retiring from the Navy. So, I do care about the future of our military which means I do know pretty much everything about the candidates. I brushed it off and emailed her pictures of Emma & Presley. I got her email today and there was maybe 3 or 4 sentences about how pretty Emma & Presley are. Then she went on to tell me how I need to go to school and get a job. Because being a full time mom is important but that I also need to think about Presley's future. (I don't think she understands how good we are doing and that Presley will always be taken care of) She went on to list jobs that she thinks I would be good at. I even told her that when Presley's in school that I MIGHT consider being a dental assistant because they don't work all the time. That's what I WANT to do... it isn't something that I am settling for. My daughter comes before everything. Plus, Jamie makes enough money to support us without help from me. Granted, extra cash would always be nice but I want to be there for my daughter. I don't want to stick her in childcare where god knows what can happen. We aren't ever to live close enough to family where they could possibly watch her why I work. Work isn't that important to me. It makes me upset. They can't ever be happy for us. My great uncle (her brother) did the same thing when I sent him a birth announcement and a letter. He sent me back a TYPED letter saying that we (yes, WE) needed to go to school and do something with our lives. Um, Jamie's military and again, he plans on RETIRING from the military! That is doing something with his life. Not to mention that he's going to college while he's in the Navy so that he can get a better job after we are out of the Navy.

Jamie always feels like they think he isn't good enough for me but that's not it. We aren't good enough... period. Nothing that my family does will ever be good enough for them. I talked to my aunt Rachel about it. She said that they have always been that way. She told me that when she as engaged (to her husband of like 15 or 16 years) that my great aunt told her that she didn't have to marry for love. That she needed to marry someone else that has more money, love isn't important because eventually you will learn to love that person. Oh my gosh. I could not live that way! Plus, Jamie isn't a bum! He is SUCH a hard worker. No matter what happens he will always take care of us. I am not worried. I just wish they understood how they make all of us feel. They all claim they don't judge anyone especially family but that isn't true.

I love my life and I wouldn't change anything about it. (Well, maybe to be stateside again. I'm looking forward to moving to Illinois, Washington state or Connecticut after Guam. Yes, we DO want to have severe winter after living in hot hot Guam for three years... Haha.Plus, I want to live closer to my brothers.)

Baby Love.

My mom sent me Georgia onesies while I was pregnant. Well, they said they were 9 month old and up. So I kept them in the drawer and payed no attention to them until yesterday. I pulled them out to see what they look like... small. They aren't even stretchy. I had some trouble getting Presley into them buuut she looks SO cute!!! Haha.

Her eyelashes are so dark... sometimes it looks like she's wearing eyeliner. I have such a beautiful baby girl.

Oh! She got a new toy today! She's been so bored with everything else she has. Haha. Spoiled little girl... its okay though. This smile is worth every penny.


Oh yeah!!

Jamie got his ESWS! It's like the Dolphins for Submariners but it's for Surface Navy. Out of all the submariners on the Frank Cable, Jamie (& one other guy we know) are the only ones who are qualified Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist! I'm so proud of him!! Hooray!! The ones above the Navy patch are his Dolphins and the ones below are the ESWS.

AND he's starting college! WOO!! He's going to be taking classes either at night or on the weekends here on base. He can do it online or in a classroom. I'm so happy for him.

For some reason

Presley has decided to not sleep through the night. She's been doing all week. She'll go to bed around 10 or 11 and then wake up around 2:30-3am. It sucks. She usually sleeps til at least 6. I'm beginning to think that it has a lot to do with her being in the same room as us. After we had that freaking brown snake in the house, we've been a little paranoid. They are deadly to small children and old people. They aren't aggressive but I don't want to take any chances. We couldn't sleep that night without her being in the same bed as us. The next night, we moved her crib into our room. This is just another reason why I cannot stand Guam. I am just so upset because we volunteered to move to Guam. We CHOSE this duty station. We moved out here to help out the Navy and they can't even provide us safe, adequate housing. You would think the Navy would take care of the NAVY but out here, they pay more attention to the locals. They are more concerned with NOT pissing off the locals than taking care of the people they moved out here. I hate complaining but I am so ready to move home. Hopefully Jamie will get stationed in Illinois and we can be fairly close to family.

Anyway, it's 8am & I am so tired but I need to stay awake so that I can go to sleep earlier at night. We go to bed SO late and when she does wake up, I am so freaking exhausted. I love being a mommy but I wish my little one would sleep through out the night. I still cannot believe that I am a mommy. Presley is FOUR MONTHS OLD! Man. Time is flying by and I'm already getting sad and thinking about another one. Yes, my daughter is only 4 months old and I want another baby. I miss being pregnant and feeling that beautiful little life growth and move. Oh it's so amazing. My pregnancy was perfect. I didn't have morning sickness or anything. Everything was amazing and I only complained when I wanted more attention (or when my mom flew out a week before my dd and was only staying a week. She made me walk... Guam is not flat like Georgia. Plus, it was like 110 degrees at night...) Oh well. We'll have another kid when we are ready... and stateside.

I love that picture. She loves to sit and listen to Jamie play guitar. Sometimes she'll mumble really low and it sounds like she's trying to sing. It's so cute. Every morning we sing together and she loves it. I love my little sweetie.


It's been awhile.

Yeah I haven't been in the blogging mood. I don't ever have the time to sit here and blog. I've been trying to clean everything spotless due to the ant problem. No matter how clean my house is... ants come in to look around. You can see them wondering around the house looking for stuff to eat. So stupid. It's a big problem here in Guam. Bah. Everything is a big problem in Guam. I should be thankful though. Some people don't have a home to complain about. It could be so much worse. I can't help being a spoiled little American.

Anyway, Presley can roll over now! She's growing so fast! I have to keep an eye on her at all times now! Before I could leave her in her play pen thingy and not worry about anything happening to her. Now, she'll roll over in there and get frustrated because she can't roll back over. Crazy little girl. I love her sooo much. We started feeding her stage one baby food. After all, she was a biig baby and she's still a big baby. Plus, they say that your baby is ready for baby food when they double their birth weight... um, she was 9 freaking pounds at birth... I think 15 pounds is close enough. She watches us eats and makes faces like she's eating. SO we starting her on food. She tried baby bananas first and then we just bought some carrots. She likes the carrots more.

So cute.



Having a regular period sucks.


Jamie keeps telling me to be thankful and that I will be happy that I am "normal" whenever I want another baby. I so want a big family. I think I want two babies of my own and then I want to adopt a baby. I want it to be when Jamie retires from the Navy though. I want to be settled in one place. I don't want to shock a baby from another country by moving around so much. They need to be nurtured and surrounded by family.




I've decided to chop off my hair... Tori Spelling style. My hair is so damaged and icky. I need a fresh start.







End of my rant.



I'm beginning to dislike bowling. I know that sounds mean but Jamie bowls ALL the time. Haha. He bowls in two leagues through the week. Just today, he quit Wednesday night and started bowling on a Thursday night league. Which means, he bowled last night (until 10 because he was bowling with OLD people) and then tonight with some friends. I don't know. I think the reason why it is starting to bug me is well, I don't have a hobby. I stay at home with Presley and take care of the house. Which is so not my hobby. It's my job. Don't get me wrong. I love staying at home with Presley. She's my everything but I need to find something else to do also. I was thinking of jewelry making. I could possibly sell them on Etsy. I want to do something creative and I love jewelry. I do so much here at the house and I still feel like a lazy bum. Even if I take an hour nap with Presley, I wake up feeling like couch potato. Blah.

I also think it would be neat to do something baby related. I love sewing but I have not patience. I mean, I'm a mommy so my patience level has risen. I was going to make Presley some cute bibs but she doesn't really care for bibs. Maybe I could just make something for babies. Aaah. I don't know. Oh well.

Anyway- Jamie and I have almost been here in Guam for a year! Wow! It will be a year for Jamie on the 3 or 4th of August. For me, it will be like the 10th. It makes me really sad though. For one, I still don't have Yoda-lee. I haven't seen her or hugged her in almost a year! I love my Boston Baby more than anything and mom won't make from her job and boyfriend to take her to vet! It isn't that hard and she complains about not knowing what to do with her when she goes out of town. Um, duh. Send her to me! Sheesh.
That dog is my life and I want Presley to grow UP with Yoda-lee. I also want Yoda-lee to be around Presley when she's little and won't pull on her or at her. Boston Terriers are so good with kids but she's going to be pissed when she gets out. She hates me. I just know it. I need to stop talking about it. It's making me cry.

Meh. I'm hungry.


I need a hair cut...

badly. I haven't had my hair cut in years. I think I just might go and get it trimmed. I have so many split ends. I really think about 3-4 inches off would be good enough. I also want to get my hair dyed. Nothing special... just all one color and dark. My hair is naturally dark brown but with the dead hair (that I've dyed through out the years and then never cut) it's a weird light reddish/brown at the ends. I think after the trim if everything still isn't one color that I might get it dyed a chocolate brown. Every single time I see women with gorgeous dark hair, I want to dye mine again. Haha.

Katy Perry is the perfect example. Her hair is so beautiful. Bah. Oh well. We'll see what happens within the next few days.

I have a "candle" party this weekend. I'm trying to be more outgoing. Having this party is a big step for me. I usually don't like people in general. I don't ever feel that comfortable around people that I don't really know. *sigh* I just don't want Presley to be a super shy kid like I was. Heck, I am just NOW starting to open up more. That's sad. The only real reason behind the candle party is that I want more wax and I forgot which scents I love. Haha. Plus, a friend of mine loves candles and she doesn't have any Scentsy. I figured that we might be able to scrap together enough people to have a party. Haha. I don't know a couple of the people that I invited. They are new to the island and I figured it would be nice for them to have something to do. Plus, Scentsy rocks.

Meh. I decided yesterday that I didn't want to get another small SUV. The darn FJ is considered an off road vehicle and I want a family car. I want to know that my little honey bee is safe. So, I did some research. I now want a 2008 MAZDA5. They are awesome. They are a car/minivan combined into one! Haha. Th back door slides open making it easier to load and upload your little one. Tehe. Jamie told me that once his Dodge is sold, I can sell my Honda and then we can get a new car. That's fine with me. We'll probably be stateside by then and I won't have to worry about wrecking my new car or killing it on the awful roads in Guam.

Anyway, I'm off to make a grocery list. Today is payday. Hoooray! Haha.